Jim Gotting

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This June I'm Peddling To Fight Parkinson's...

...and raising funds to support life-changing research and improve services for people living with Parkinson's.

Sadly, 1 Australian is diagnosed with Parkinson’s every 40 minutes and there is currently no cure. I'm doing my part to change this by getting active and fundraising for people impacted by Parkinson's.

Please sponsor me today and make a real difference to progress life-changing research and improve services to maximise choice, independence and wellbeing for people living with Parkinson's.

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

Jim's Journey

Monday 6th May
 I was diagnosed in February 2018. Obviously came as a shock as I was otherwise in good health. Anger, sadness and a strong sense of not being involved in my family's future pursued.
I am fortunately surrounded by love from my family, friends and colleagues which got me through the early emotional roller-coaster. I also live in a fortunate corner of the globe which has afforded me access to a great GP, Neurologist, Neurosurgeon, Neurophysiotherapists, Neuropsychologist, OT's plus  organisations such as Parkinson's SA and the Brain and Body Fitness studio with their amazing exercise physiologists. 
In some ways my diagnosis has been a blessing allowing me to refocus my priorities of family & friends and allow me to organise my life, which people with sudden ends or short terminal diagnoses, do not have that privilege. I am lucky in that way.
BUT Parkinson's is a shitful disease which eats away at your independence, pride and emotions, You know you are on a downhill trajectory which has the occasional steep decline you don't see coming. In many ways the fact you know there is a new drop ahead is one of the biggest anxieties you have. 
I will however continue to fight with the support of Melissa, Brianna and Shaylee, my extended family & friends with special mention to the guys I box and golf with.
Please help support this organisation, Parkinson's SA, as they do a wonderful job with caring and genuine smiles. Thanks for reading, Jim, Jimbo Jamie or James xx

Thank you to my Sponsors


Vascular Ultrasound Partners


Concept Data

Fantastic Work Mate. I am really pleased to support you with this.


Jim Gotting


Pinnacle Accounting Solutions

Pedal Hard!


Chris R


Matt And Fab

Ride well Jim!


Tina Donaldson


Danielle Matthews

Good Luck with the ride everyone!


Chris Matthews

Enjoy the ride!


David Pennifold




Raoni Duhring

Fantastic effort Jamie!


Evan Johnson


Jo And Anthony

Good luck Jim! Will be thinking of you X


Mark West


Games Day


Craig Bradbrook

You’re an inspirational person!


Tanya Webber


Marie & Brenton Storey

Hey Jamie, such a hard diagnosis for you especially with the skills you have in your work. But what a courageous and positive attitude you now have and how you will deal with the hard times ahead, you have a wonderful support base with Maggie and the girls, ove to you all xx


James Thompson


Petrina Winen


Fraser And Tricia Warrick


Tracey Gotting

You're an inspiration Jamie. Go brother!


Michelle Hogarth


Cheryl Buckingham

Go Jimbo!


Kane Sleeman


Melissa Laforgia



Go you good thing!!


Kate Perkins

Good work Jim


Tracey Scott


Erin Buckingham





Logan & Asha Evans