Natasha Clark

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This June I'm Peddling To Fight Parkinson's...

...and raising funds to support life-changing research and improve services for people living with Parkinson's.

Sadly, 1 Australian is diagnosed with Parkinson’s every 40 minutes and there is currently no cure. I'm doing my part to change this by getting active and fundraising for people impacted by Parkinson's.

Please sponsor me today and make a real difference to progress life-changing research and improve services to maximise choice, independence and wellbeing for people living with Parkinson's.

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

My Updates

EP Parky’s Pedler’s

Friday 7th Jun
Ok we are now so close to reaching our target and we are also under a week from hitting the bikes and that’s exciting. 
I would like you too think about what it would be like to have Parkinson’s, just imagine not being in control of how your body functions, conitual movement of your limbs is so very exhausting. You go to walk and your stuck to the floor you hit the deck often and hide the bruises this is only a few challenges I face every day. Not to mention your self image is destroyed by the way I walk that is when I hide away from everyone. As this condition progresses it’s slowly stealing my confidence and self worth I will never give up the fight to find a cure or slow down the progression. So with this update I would like to personally thank everyone who is riding or has donated to this event your support means a lot.

Tasha’s message to all

Monday 22nd Apr
I want to encourage as many people as I can to participate in pedal for Parkinson’s. Your donation and support is truly appreciated and amazing as we know there is a larger percentage of people with Parkinson’s in and around our community and on the EP so everyone some how some where has been touched  with someone diagnosed with Parkinson’s 

Tash’s hope for a cure

Saturday 13th Apr
As you all know I am now 18 years into  my journey with Parkinson’s Disease. 
Every day I wish for a cure or a break through to slow down the progression of this very cruel disease. I am able to keep myself going through plenty of Excercise and support so please if you can donate to help reach those hopes of a cure I say thank you.

Thank you to my Sponsors





Pedal Power! Go Tash


Robin Hood Real Estate

Congratulations on an amazing effort







good luck everyone riding you guys have all done a wonderful job, Tash you’ve made many of us so proud keep striving for all your dreams and goals!!


Fiona Roediger

Great cause Go Tash xx


Bianca Carpenter














Annie Carter

Pedal on girl


Every Movement Counts








Go gal! You've touched the lives of so many with your determination and relentless commitment to improving the lives of people living with Parkinson's and other neurological disorders


Bev Burford

Inspirational as always Tash


Kerryn Hales


Dave And Marie Elson


Tracy Liddicoat




Tim Mcneill